Hammond Avenue Reconstruction

The City of Superior is reconstructing Hammond Avenue from Belknap Street to North 28th Street. Hammond Avenue is an important north-south route and key multi-lane transportation corridor within the City of Superior.

Historic Image of Hammond Avenue with horse and carriage transportation, landscaped medians and sidewalks.

The condition of Hammond Avenue has increasingly degraded over time as a result of heavy automobile use. Poor drainage beneath the concrete has resulted in the heaving of the roadway, cracks in the asphalt, and persistent surface deterioration. It’s necessary that the community re-envision the street as an active corridor with character that has the potential to serve as more than just a heavily traveled automobile route.

Historic Image of Hammond Avenue with the landscaped center median.

The re-envisioning of Hammond Avenue will include roadway reconstruction, installation of storm sewers and structures, and the addition of new pedestrian and bicycle facilities that will improve safety and comfort for all users of the roadway.

Design additions that contribute to neighborhood identity, decrease automobile speeds, and improve active transportation opportunities through improved access and safety measures are anticipated to be a primary focus during the project.

Project Phasing

The project is divided into two phases.

Phase 1 is slated for construction in 2024 and begins at Belknap Street and ends at N 21st Street. Phase 1 includes partial funding through the State of Wisconsin Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP).

Phase 2 is slated for construction in 2025 and begins at N 21st Street and ends at N 28th Street. Phase 2 includes partial funding through the State of Wisconsin STP-Urban Program.

project Objectives

  • Reconstruction Hammond Avenue with new pavement, curb, and gutter

  • Create a liveable corridor with placemaking and multimodal transportation treatments (automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian) and ADA compliant ramps

  • Mitigate storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water utility conflicts before they become an issue

  • Improve drainage and storm sewer